Hair loss treatments come in all shapes and sizes. For many, the idea of a hair treatment might sound over-complicated and in-depth, but it doesn’t have to be.
At Renew Wellness & Aesthetics in Oklahoma City, we want to keep things simple. We don’t want you to jump through hoops for stronger, healthier hair.

With our hair treatment system, Nutrafol, you won’t have to worry about long, strenuous procedures. You also won’t have to worry about complicated surgeries with long recovery times and high costs. With Nutrafol in OKC, hair treatment is as simple as taking a pill. That’s right; Nutrafol is a supplement that will actually help strengthen your hair. And the best part is, Nutrafol can be customized for both men and women.
Nutrafol for men and women
Hair loss in men is common, but most people don’t realize that it’s common in women as well. As hair loss is more prevalent in men, some women might feel unsure about where to turn when experiencing thinning hair. Nutrafol is a groundbreaking supplement for hair loss. It can work to alleviate the symptoms that come with thinning hair, and it can even work as a preventative treatment to stop your hair loss before it even occurs.

There are many reasons why a woman might be suffering from hair loss. For instance, many women who have just given birth might deal with hair loss as a result. As a woman goes through childbirth, the hormones in a woman’s body change dramatically. These hormonal changes can lead to hair loss. Hair grows in stages, and as a result of postpartum hormones, the body might prematurely enter into the last stage of growth. Once this happens, your body will shed the hair that should be in the initial growth stage.
Postpartum hair loss is a prevalent concern, and Nutrafol in OKC could be the answer. Nutrafol is a natural supplement that can help our postpartum patients combat the results of their hormonal changes.
And of course, even though Nutrafol is perfect for treating women’s hair loss, men can also stand to benefit from its hair-strengthening capabilities. Renew Wellness offers Nutrafol for men, too! Whether it be genetics, stress, or auto-immune disorders, Nutrafol in OKC can help.
Perfect for COVID hair loss
Nutrafol can also help treat post-COVID hair loss. It’s not uncommon; many people suffering severe sickness might contract hair loss as a result. Nutrafol supplements work to strengthen hair at the deepest level, so if you’re recovering from a nasty bout with COVID-19, hair loss should be the least of your worries.
With a problem like hair loss being so varied and wide-spread, it can seem daunting to wade through the many treatment options available.
Learn about hair loss solutions
We want to inform you of all the choices you have in alleviating and preventing hair loss. If you’re interested in trying Nutrafol, you can find the product in our online store. You can learn more about hair loss treatments in OKC. You can also learn about other treatments through a virtual consultation.